- Timeless Jewelry - Mythological handmade jewelry - Historical handmade Jewelry - Handcrafted Art Jewelry - museum jewelry
For Retailers Only
Rhiannon Epona Celtic Coin Earrings - Goddess of Horses and Abundance
Epona Celtic Coin Necklace - Goddess of Horses and Abundance
Goddess Pele Pendant - Hawaiian Goddess of Volcanoes
Small Three Graces Necklace - Goddesses of Creativity
Amphitrite Pendant - Goddess of the Sea
Bastet Necklace - Cat Goddess of Protection, Music and Arts - Hand Painted
Sekhmet Pendant - Warrior Goddess of Healing - Gold Bronze Finish
Sekhmet Pendant - Lioness Warrior Goddess of Healing - Hand Painted
Epona Pendant - Rhiannon Welsh Goddess of Fertility and Horses
Epona Pendant - Rhiannon Welsh Goddess - Painted Goddess of Fertility and Horses
Arianrhod Pendant - Hand Painted Goddess of the Sky, Destiny and Reincarnation
Cailleach Pendant - Scottish Sage Goddess of Winter and Creation of Landscape
Arianrhod Pendant - Celtic Goddess of the Midnight Sky, Karma and Reincarnation
Small Cameo Artemis Necklace - Goddess of the Hunt and Moon
Lakshmi Necklace - Hindu Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity
The Morrigan Pendant - Irish Goddess of Fate and Courage - Hand Painted
Idun Pendant - Hand Painted Norse Goddess of Spring and Eternal Youth
Eir Goddess Pendant - Airmed - Goddess of Healing and Herbalism
Minoan Mountain Goddess Pendant Necklace
Saraswati Pendant - Hindu Goddess of Art, Music and Learning
Bee Goddess Pendant - Minoan Necklace
Artemis Goddess of the Hunt Greek Coin Necklace
Artemis Coin Earrings - Goddess of the Hunt Greek
Queen of the Night Lilith Necklace - Inanna Ishtar Ereshkigal
Freya Pendant Necklace - Viking Norse Goddess of Love, Beauty and War - Colored
Lady of the Beasts | Artemis Earrings - Goddess of Wild Animals
Nike Victory coin Necklace
Eir Earrings | Airmed | Goddess of Healing and Herbalism
Hathor Earrings - Egyptian Goddess of Love and Motherhood
Winged Isis Necklace - Goddess of Motherhood, Healing and Magic - Hand Painted
Small Three Graces Necklace with pearl - Goddesses of Creativity
Hermes, Aphrodite and Baby Boy Necklace
Hera Juno Necklace -Goddess of Marriage, Women and Birthing.
Athena Pendant - Minerva Pendant - Goddess of Justice and Wisdom
Medusa Cameo Pendant
Demeter Ceres Necklace - Goddess of Harvest and Fertility of the Earth
The Three Graces Necklace - Large Pendant - Goddesses of Creativity
Aphrodite Pendant Necklace - Goddess of Love and Beauty
Artemis Necklace - Diana The Huntress - Large Pendant
Tanit Greek Goddess of the Sky coin Pendant
Persephone Necklace - Proserpina - Goddess of Spring
Athena Coin Necklace - Minerva - Goddess of Wisdom and Justice
Hathor Necklace - Egyptian Goddess of Love and Motherhood
Bastet Pendant - Egyptian Cat Goddess of Music, Arts and Protection
Athena Minerva on Throne Necklace - Goddess of Wisdom and Justice
Athena | Minerva Coin 449 BC Necklace - Goddess of Wisdom and Justice
Lady of the Beasts | Artemis Necklace - Goddess of the Wild Animals
Small Aphrodite Venus with pearl Necklace - Goddess of Love and Beauty